Dr. Scyller Borglum serves as Vice President for WSP USA’s Underground StorageMarket in the Energy National Business Line. In addition to salt caverndevelopment for temporary gas storage, Dr. Borglum involved in carbon dioxidesequestration projects with injection wells and depleted reservoirs, hydrogenstorage, and compressed air energy storage. She brings more than two decades ofexperience in ground-up petroleum engineering, geological engineering research,oil and gas/energy industry, and professional experience.
Dr.Borglum worked in oil fields up and down the Rocky Mountain Front, in Texas,and in the Bakken, North Dakota. Her petroleum engineering work focused mainlyon upstream activities as she worked for a service company, an independent, anda major. Dr. Borglum conducted geomechanical studies on various salt and rocktypes while in graduate school and while working at RESPEC, a world renownedgeomechanical testing laboratory. She served as an Oak Ridge Institute ofScience and Education Fellow at the National Energy Technology Laboratory inMorgantown, WV. Dr. Borglum is not only published in her academic fields,petroleum, and geological engineering, but she also co-authored the textbook,The Fossil Fuel Revolution: Shale Gas and Tight Oil. And she has a new bookcoming out this year on STEM Study Habits!